module Documentation::C_Usage::B_UsingWadData


Getting data from a WAD is fairly simple.
Everything in a WAD is stored in either a hash or just as the object it is storing:

my_wad.sounds  # => A hash of all sounds in the WAD
my_wad.playpal # => A variable assigned to the playpal in the WAD

Here is a list of every variable in the WAD class with a link to its full explanation on the doom wiki

WAD#type : WAD::Type - The type of the WAD - Wiki
WAD#directories_count : UInt32 - The amount of lumps in the WAD - Wiki
WAD#directory_pointer : UInt32 - The location of the start of the directories in bytes - Wiki
WAD#maps : Hash(String, Map) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::Map - Wiki
WAD#pcsounds : Hash(String, PcSound) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::PcSound - Wiki
WAD#sounds : Hash(String, Sound) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::Sound - Wiki
WAD#music : Hash(String, Music) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::Music - Wiki
WAD#genmidi : WAD::Genmidi - The genmidi of the WAD - Wiki
WAD#dmxgus : WAD::Dmxgus - The dmxgus of the WAD - Wiki
WAD#playpal : WAD::Playpal - The playpal of the WAD - Wiki
WAD#colormap : WAD::Colormap - The colormap of the WAD - Wiki
WAD#endoom : WAD::EnDoom - The EnDoom of the WAD - Wiki
WAD#texmaps : Hash(String, TextureX) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::TextureX - Wiki
WAD#pnames : WAD::Pnames - The pnames of the WAD - Wiki
WAD#graphics : Hash(String, Graphic) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::Graphic - Wiki
WAD#sprites : Hash(String, Graphic) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::Graphic - Wiki
WAD#flats : Hash(String, Flat) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::Flat - Wiki
WAD#demos : Hash(String, Demo) - A hash that maps a name to a WAD::Demo - Wiki
WAD#directories : Array(Directory) - An array of all the WAD::Directory's in the WAD - Wiki

NOTE WAD#texmaps maps a name to a WAD::TextureX, not a "WAD::TexMap".

The reason for this class name is because a texture map's file name will always have the format "TextureX" where X is a number, which the class' name reflects.
It also helps to prevent confusion when talking about a texture map, since the data inside a texture map/TextureX are called texture maps - Wiki

Here are a few examples of how to access WAD's data:

my_wad ="Path/To/Wad") # => Reads in the wad

my_sound = my_wad.sounds["MySound"] # => Returns the sound "MySound" out of *my_wad*

my_map = my_wad.maps["MyMap"]                 # => Returns the map "MyMap" out of *my_wad*
my_linedef = my_map.linedefs[0]               # => Returns the first linedef out of *my_map*
my_linedef_sector_tag = my_linedef.sector_tag # => Returns the sector tag of the linedef

You can alter WAD::Graphic and WAD::Flat pixel data with .set_pixel(x, y, value):

NOTE value does not refer to an rgb value, but to an index in the colors of a WAD::Playpal::Palette

my_wad ="Path/To/Wad") # => Reads in the wad

my_graphic =["MyGraphic"] # => Sets *my_graphic* to be a graphic in *my_wad*

my_flat = my_wad.flats["MyFlat"] # => Sets *my_flat* to be a flat in *my_wad*

my_graphic.set_pixel(2, 5, 125) # => Sets the pixel at x=2 y=5 of *my_graphic* to be 125

my_flat.set_pixel(10, 9, 245) # => Sets the pixel at x=10 y=9 of *my_flat* to be 245

Defined in:
