module Documentation::C_Usage::G_UsingWithRaylib


wa-cr's RaylibAdditions allow converting WAD::Graphics and WAD::Flats to Raylib Images or Raylib Colors which can then be drawn to the screen.
For more information on Raylib, visit it's Github
And visit the raylib-cr Github for information on the Raylib Crystal C-Bindings

NOTE Some file conversion methods that RaylibAdditions contains are not mentioned here, but in E_ConvertingFileTypes

To use the RaylibAdditions, just require wa-cr/raylib:

require "wa-cr/raylib"

To convert a WAD::Graphic or a WAD::Flat to a Raylib::Image you call .to_image(palette) on the graphic or flat. You'll need to select the WAD::Playpal::Palette you want to use for the image:

NOTE Each pixel of a graphic or a flat points to an array element in a playpal palette. For more information on Doom's picture format and the playpal, visit the wiki entries on the Picture Format and the Playpal

require "wa-cr/raylib"

my_wad ="Path/To/MyWad.WAD")

my_graphic = WAD::Graphic.parse("Path/To/MyGraphic.lmp")

my_flat = WAD::Flat.parse("Path/To/MyFlat.lmp")

# The default Doom Playpal has a total of 14 palettes (0-13)
palette = my_wad.playpal.palettes[0]

my_graphic_image = my_graphic.to_image(palette) # => Returns a Raylib::Image

my_flat_image = my_flat.to_image(palette) # => Returns a Raylib::Image

You can also get textures out of the texture maps by using `RaylibAdditions::WAD#get_texture(name, palette):

require "wa-cr/raylib"

my_wad ="Path/To/MyWad.WAD")

palette = my

my_texture_image = my_wad.get_texture("STARTAN3", palette) # => Returns a Raylib::Image

To get some pixel data, call `.get_pixel(x, y, palette):

require "wa-cr/raylib"

my_graphic_pixel = my_graphic.get_pixel(3, 8, palette) # => Returns a Raylib::Color

my_flat_pixel = my_flat.get_pixel(62, 20, palette) # => Returns a Raylib::Color

With this image and pixel data, you can use Raylib and raylib-cr to draw it to the screen.
Here is a simple example of how to draw my_texture_image, my_graphic_image, and my_flat_image:

NOTE When requiring wa-cr/raylib, you don't need to also require raylib-cr since wa-cr/raylib requires raylib-cr anyways

require "wa-cr/raylib"

Raylib.init_window(800, 450, "Image Viewer")

my_wad ="Path/To/MyWad.WAD")

my_graphic = WAD::Graphic.parse("Path/To/MyGraphic.lmp")
my_flat = WAD::Flat.parse("Path/To/MyFlat.lmp")

palette = my_wad.playpal.palettes[0]

my_texture_image = my_wad.get_texture("STARTAN3", palette)
my_graphic_image = my_graphic.to_image(palette)
my_flat_image = my_flat.to_image(palette)

# You can't draw images to the screen,
# so you need to load them into a textures.

# Note that Raylib::Texture2D's can't be set
# as variables until the window has been initialized.
my_texture_texture = Raylib.load_texture_from_image(my_texture_image)

my_graphic_texture = Raylib.load_texture_from_image(my_graphic_image)

my_flat_texture = Raylib.load_texture_from_image(my_flat_image)

until Raylib.close_window?

  Raylib.draw_texture(my_texture_texture, 0, 0, Raylib::WHITE)

  # Sets the texture's x to be the screen's width minus the
  # width of the texture to have it be in the top right.
  # Textures are drawn from the top left.
    (Raylib.get_screen_width - my_graphic_texture.width),

  # Sets the texture's y to be the screen's height minus the
  # height of the texture to have it be in the bottom left.
    (Raylib.get_screen_height - my_flat_texture.height),



Defined in:
